Rainy Day? Thats Okay! : Part 1


*told from Kit’s POV*IMG_20151219_135604

I looked out Samantha’s window.  The rain looked…well a bit sad.  It had been raining for three days in a row now….I knew that I should have been thankful for rain in a state devastated by a drought but… Samantha promised me a photoshoot!  And here I was all prettied up for a photo shoot that had been postponed for quite some time.


I had taken out my hair bow and stripped down to my pj’s.


I didn’t notice, but Emily was also coming straight to bumping into me!


“Ow!” I yelped.

“Oh Kit, I didn’t see you there!”



20 thoughts on “Rainy Day? Thats Okay! : Part 1

  1. You’ve had rain for three days straight? Wow. :/ But I guess if you’re in the middle of a drought, you sure need it.
    Can’t wait for part 2! 😀


      1. No, El Nino is a weather phenomenon that happened in ’98 and is supposedly happening again in 2015-2016! It basically gives out plenty of rain to my state and That is why we need it. If you want to learn more, Google it!


  2. Cute! I really loved it! I can’t wait to see what happens next in part 2! Your photoshoots are really good! I also liked the last post you did, “A 1950’s Christmas with Maryellen”, as well as that 1955 Wishbook link. It was SO COOL! By the way, have you ever heard of a site called wishbookweb.com? You can look at old scans from Wishbooks from the 30’s to the 80’s, as well as other Christmas catalogs. Check it out!


    1. Thank you SO much! I worked really hard on those posts! Actually, today I was researching for the thirties Christmas post and I found wishbook web! I loved it because you could browse through the pages and it really gave you a peek into history!


      1. I can tell you worked really hard on them! That’s great!
        Oh, wow, that is so funny! I like how you can see what was popular back then. Last night I was looking at the ones from the thirties-they are SO COOL!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Cute pictures. Yes rain… stinks. Yesterday I wanted to keep countinueing a stop motion I was making but well overcast!! Bleh!! Dont worry though there are so many indoor oppurtuities for blogging as well!! 🙂


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