Three Years


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3 years ago on this day:

A little 4th grader, 10 years old.  She obsessed over doll blogs.  She loved her four dolls, Molly, Emily, Saige, and Kit.  She woke up.  She woke up with a dream in mind, a dream that had been on her mind for weeks.  With a timid spirit, she asked her mother for her very own doll blog.  It was the morning after Easter, and she excitedly chose for her doll blog.  She chooses her favorite doll, Molly.   The doll that meant so much to her.  The one that she begged for until she received her and her best friend for Christmas in 2014.  Somehow, that little girl knew that she would play with this doll for longer than she would ever expect.

For her site image, she chose, of course, her favorite doll.  It has remained the same for three years, in the spirit of her love of Molly.


As she set up her little background, used her clay and blurry phone camera filter to snap photos of DIY clay macaroons for your ag dolls, she had no idea what her little corner of the web would become.


She didn’t know her collection would triple in size.  Or that her room would be taken by the dolls she loved.


Or that she would be the first thing that came up when you googled “ag doll blogs” (try it lol)  Or that she would be so close to 500 followers over the next few years.


She had no idea that she would meet 4 of her best friends in the entire world through her dolls.


She certainly had no idea that this would become part of her childhood.


The part of her childhood that she would latch on to.  Maybe it was her only piece that she could salvage, in today’s world of pressure to change and “grow out” of things like dolls.


But the one thing she hadn’t the slightest notion of what would happen was the fact that this blog would last three years.  Even longer than three years.


Because that little girl grew up.  She grew up in from the username samanthadolls to Samantha, the author of two major blogs.


The next 168 weekends would be consumed by venturing out with a doll in hand, a camera in the other.


She would go on to use her talents of writing to make something… beautiful.  She used her dolls as characters to propel her stories.


The most amazing thing is how many friends she has made through the internet.


They always tell you to be careful of the stalkers of the internet.  And while there certainly are stalkers, there are also so many beautiful and wonderful people out there.


People that share your interests.

People that absolutely love your dolls as much as you do.

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Even if they grow out of dolls before you, the friendship still lasts.


Even though they live so far away, they find their ways together.


There’s a lot of things that little girl still doesn’t know.


She doesn’t know when the thing society calls “growing out” of this will happen.


She doesn’t know why silent, nostalgic tears are streaming down her face right now.


Thousands of memories are coming back to her.


The total of 7,782 comments posted on this blog.


The countless likes, and sweet words.

The lack of hate, that she is so thankful for.


She thinks back to the three summers she has gone through, with a doll (or 12) in hand…


The places she has taken her dolls, the things she has done with them.


She thinks of how she has spent so many nights in bed, dreaming of what she will do next with her hobby.  Her passion.


Yet also so many nights questioning things.


Questioning whether or not she should still be doing this, as a teenager.


She’s not 10 years old anymore.


But at the same time, she’s not ready to let go of everything she has.  She’s not ready to type that final sign off.


To pack up her collection, everything she has cared so much for.  She’s not ready to let go of every trace of every doll.


She knows it will have to happen eventually. But it won’t happen yet.


Three years is a while, but she knows she can make it even longer, before the pressures to break away from the doll’s hand gives in.


She doesn’t like thinking about giving in.


She has built this from the ground up.


She started with one follower.  (yes, she followed herself)


(and still does)


All the scenes come rushing back.


The time she went to the American Girl Store for the first time.  The time she looked around, and loved everything with her whole heart.  It’s a strange passion, but it’s hers.  All hers.


She doesn’t think of it as “surviving” for three years. More like… blossoming for three years.


If it weren’t for you, all 485 of you…


This post wouldn’t exist.  The blog would have been dormant a long time ago.


It wasn’t all her.  She can’t take credit for building this up. Nope, only a bit.


Sure, she works hard.


She does some of it for herself.  For her own pleasure.  Because after all, it is her passion.


It’s for all of you as well.


The motivation to strive for every sweet person, lovely soul, that is reading this.


I am that girl.  I think back to not only what I have given this blog, but what it has given me.


It gives me somewhere to turn to, even when times are hard and people are bitter.


It gives me a place to feel ten years old again.


A place to be truly happy.  A place where I feel like I belong.


This is a place that I have strived to work on.


With every photo I have posted in this post, a memory of the feelings I felt is relived.


This is AGDollAwesome.  AGDollAwesome is a place of happiness, a place to let out all the feelings other than happiness, a place I feel that I am a true part of.


A place that has changed so much.  Just like I have.

Three years.


Here’s for not only what this blog is, for what I am.

For what this blog and I will be,

and for what we have been.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

61 thoughts on “Three Years

  1. as i scroll through these pictures, it all comes rushing back. all the scents, the scenery, the joy. and it’s all thanks to you. without you, i wouldn’t be typing this out today. you have given my life something great. something that you can’t get anywhere else. you have given my life so much color and sweetness, and i’m so happy that i got to share these past three years. i love you all. so much. and i’m proud to say that. here’s to life in color. here’s to life with you in mind, a doll in hand, and a camera in the other.
    ~Sam ❤

    Liked by 10 people

  2. OH MY GOODNESS! Happy 3 years of blogging!! I love that picture of Molly, with all of the chocolate! 🍫 Super cute!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I hope you have a great day! God bless! 💖

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ❤️❤️❤️
    This is so sweet. I’ve enjoyed reading through all of your posts(multiple times!) and being a part of this wonderful three years. I haven’t been here from the start, but I love this blog all the same. You did a beautiful job on this post. I completely understand about eventually growing out of it, it happened to me. But I like to think of it more as changing your focus rather than growing out of. I also liked what you said about your followers. I haven’t gotten to the point where I blog for anyone but myself(I mean, I do blog a little for others, but I mainly blog for myself), but I know it will happen one day. Someday stuffed animal blogging will be huge and I will be one of the firsts…
    I’m so glad to be one of your loyal followers. Every time you reply to one of my comments telling me that my comments make your day in turn makes my day.
    I guess I’m just trying to say here’s to another wonderful three years.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Awww Sam! Happy blogiversary ❤ it's amazing how a blog can change your life, before I found doll blogs I felt out of place, "I'm I just really weird for still liking dolls?" I would ask myself. Then I found doll blogs with girls my age who loved dolls as much as I do. I'm so glad I found your blog, it always makes me smile 😀 your so awesome and so is your blog, keep being the awesome Sam that loves dolls! Congrats on three years ☺
    -Katie 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. YAYYY YAY YAY HAPPY BLOGIVERARY!!! 🎉🎉🎉🍩🍩🍩🍫🍫🍫*gives you 10000000 donuts and Hershey bars*
    You deserve all the followers you have and more. Honestly, your blogs are my favorite, and I’m not just saying that bc you’re my bbff! I know you pour your heart and soul into every single one of your posts, and it definitely pays off. You are so sweet, generous, creative, and fun! I’m soooo glad that you decided to create your blog 3 years ago. I can’t imagine not having you as my bestest (totally a word) friend ever. Love you girl, keep on wowing us with your amazing blog. 💕

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Saaaaaaaaaaaaam! THIS IS AMAZING! CONGRATULATIONS OF THE HIGHEST ORDER! I’ve been here *almost* since the beginning, and you really have blossomed. 🙂 I’ve got something I want to send to you as a ‘happy blogiversary’ gift, but it won’t be there for a couple of weeks so pretend it’s just a really belated one. 🙂 Just something tiny (hahahaha we live off of tiny things XD XD X XD) to count for our friendship and the three years you’ve blessed the AG blogosphere!
    ~ Light4theLord

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Samantha, that was so beautiful! 🙂 Happy 3rd blogiversary and many more to you! You put so much effort into everything you write, and I truly believe that so many people enjoy and love what you do! (and I just had to search google and you are so right) XD

    Liked by 1 person

  8. this is so so so beautiful! congratulations on three years, what a huge accomplishment! i’m so proud of you! i love the way you’ve written this post, i love how much you’ve grown from the beginning, and i love YOU!! doll bloggers are some of the most talented people on the planet, and you are no exception. you are so amazing, keep it up, girlie!💕

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Congratulations on three years! I’ve been reading your blog for one of them. I’m so happy that I’m your friend! You’re so sweet and amazing! You’ve been an inspiration since day one of my blogging (And the reason why I started blogging). Here’s to AgDollAwesome!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh. My gosh. That was so sweet!! I love it!! And three years?! That’s crazily awesome! It’s crasome! (😂)
    Happy blogoversary, Sam. You deserve each and every one of those followers, and many more!
    Hey, I follow myself, too. Don’t feel bad! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  11. this is so beautiful and sweet and almost sad and lovely and amazing and fantastic and absolutely mind-blowing and fabulous and pretty and awesome and aesthetic and happy three years of blogging! here’s to three more years of the fabulously amazing doll blog, agdollawesome.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. CONGRATS!!!! You totally deserve this, and you are one of the best bloggers I have ever met! You have been such a good friend to me! Also, what is your favorite song from Taylor Swift?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. YOU’RE WELCOME!
        Cool! I don’t usually listen to her music since some of it is inappropriate. Do you think that her song “Delicate” is inappropriate?

        Liked by 1 person


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  13. Congrats on 3 amazing years! Don’t worry, I shed a nostalgic tear or two as I read this. I know how it feels to be in between doll-blogging and personal-blogging, and it does feel like you have to choose sometimes, but you don’t. Despite the fact that one day you will grow out of dolls, you can enjoy them here and now, on AGDA. Here’s to another year!
    {Natalie Therese}

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! this is sooo sweet! you keep doing what YOU wanna do, not what anyone tells you to do. i’m 15 now and i still love my dolls (even tho i’ve been really busy and unable to post, but the lack of posts on Steeplechase should tell you that it’s not that i’m neglecting my dolls XD) you go girl and do what YOU think is best. like, the only t swift song i know is shake it off so listen to that for me? haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate….

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Happy, happy, blogiversary! Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you. Seeing your posts, every single one of them, makes me smile. I truly believe this is your passion, and you definitely express yourself and your creativity to the fullest! Seeing your posts makes me think of my own adventures that I had with my doll, Stephanie. I got her for Christmas in 1997, and I’m so incredibly glad that I still have her now, 20 years later! I sold about 2/3 of my doll clothes and accessories to a mom at my work whose six-year-old was obsessed with American Girl. I was so happy it was going to a good home. But, I missed it. I told myself that when I got a house of my own, part of a room would be dedicated to my dolls. I bought Molly in 2013. Then, between 2016 and 2018, I’ve added four more dolls – Kit, a Truly Me I named Autumn, Chrissa, and Z. I’m so happy. My husband teases me, good-naturedly, but he knows how much I love these dolls. He knows that sometimes, Stephanie was my only companion when I was growing up, being an only child. I may have stopped playing with Stephanie around age 14, but I never stopped loving her. Ever. I made my way back to wanting more AG in my life around age 25-26, and it’s only gotten stronger since then! I’m hoping to go to the American Girl Place in New York City (My very first store experience, ever!) with my husband later this year.


  16. congratulations, sam!! you’re one of the best ag bloggers out there. ❤ your content is always so creative. and i loved seeing your photography improve throughout this post.

    i actually squealed when i saw my profile pic in here. it made my day. 🙂

    xo loren

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Happy blogiversary! Congratulations on 3 awesome years and here’s to many many more.

    Funny how collections grow as we blog! When I started I had 4 dolls and their wardrobe fit in two-drawer bedside stand and their original doll boxes. Not so much anymore! 😀

    If you do not want to give up, stop, or pack away then you do not have to. There is no rule that says you need to say good bye to your collection or what gives you joy! there are many doll bloggers in their mid to late teens as well as full adults. As long as you are inspired and find joy in blogging with your collection, stay with it.

    Best wishes!


  18. Congratulations on three years of blogging. I know this is a little late but I only came across this post today. Many adults would not be able to keep a blog going for that long. I hope you won’t feel that as a teenager you have to stop doing things with your dolls. Don’t worry about what other people think. You will know when you are ready to go on to something else and in some ways I hope that day is never. I’m an adult collector and like a lot of people my age I wonder what will happen to my dolls after I am gone. It seems as if many young people today are disinterested and even dislike dolls nowadays. I am always encouraged to read of young collectors who love to write about and photograph their dolls. I also wonder if it is a good thing that young people grow up so quickly these days. When I was thirteen I still played with my dolls and considered myself a child. There was plenty of time to worry about adult things in the future.


  19. No need to give up your passions to grow up … sometimes you have to leave them a little aside, because there is so much to do. But when the time comes to “think of something else” than the dolls, keep them anyway, one day or another, you’ll come back. They are process of dreaming, faithful and patient. And wonderful models for the photos. And supports for writing. Of course, people can tease you about your passion, but what does it matter? keep your dreams, they are important. Greetings from a collector-doll photographer who is 63 years old herself !!!

    Liked by 1 person

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