Q & Ayyyyy Molly! (Questions Needed For Holiday Q & A!)

Hey Guys! It’s Molly and over here at AGDA, we’re all set for the holidays!

So We need some questions for our Q&A that will be debuting on Friday, The Day after Thanksgiving!


A sister that I will force to spend time with me and I will be hosting this!  We will be answering all of your questions, and shouting out your blog if you comment questions!

We have a kind of sad update on Wealthy Hearts, and some Behind The Scenes!

Here’s what you need to put in the comments:

  • AT LEAST three questions
  • all questions must be related to the holidays or Wealthy Hearts
  • No personal questions, we can’t tell you where we live no matter how many fans want to visit us!  XD

So get commenting!


21 thoughts on “Q & Ayyyyy Molly! (Questions Needed For Holiday Q & A!)

  1. 1. Giving or Getting?
    2. What’s the biggest present you’ve received?
    3. Are you hoping to get another AG doll for Christmas? If so, which ones?
    4. How hard did you work on for Wealthy Hearts?
    5. What gave you the idea for Wealthy Hearts?


    OK here are my questions:
    Do you believe in Santa?
    What is your favorite part of Christmas?
    What is your favorite holiday treat?
    What is your favorite Christmas Carol?
    I tried to ask questions that no one else had already asked!
    Happy Holiday’s!


  3. Do you make presents, buy presents, or don’t give presents to your siblings?
    What’s some of your favorite holiday traditions?
    What’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had on Christmas morning? (like a huge present, or something really cool under the tree)


  4. Yay! A Q&A!
    Why did you choose Paisley to play Lavinia?
    How does Twila celebrate Christmas?
    Elves or Reindeer?
    What’s your current favorite AG holiday dress?
    Do you wear “Ugly Sweaters”?


  5. Yay!!! I ❤ Q&A's! Here are some questions:

    -What is your favorite Holiday dessert?
    -What are you asking for, for Christmas?
    -Hot cocoa or sugar cookies? (you have to pick one 😉 )
    -Have you ever been ice skating? What happened it you have been ice skating?
    -What is your favorite AG holiday outfit that you have?
    -Can you do a Christmas photoshoot of Twila? 🐱


  6. 1. What is something you want most for Christmas?
    2. When do you guys start celebrating Christmas?
    3. Are any of the sisters a Scrooge?
    6. Are there going to be any more characters in season two of Wealthy Hearts?


  7. CHRISTMAS!!!!! Ok
    #1 what is your favorite Christmas movie?
    #2 Hot chocolate or eggnog?
    #3 Are you hoping for a new sister this holiday season?
    #4 What is on the top of your wish list this Christmas?
    #5 What was the most meaningful gift you’ve ever received?
    #6 Favorite kind of pie? (That counts as a Christmas question right?)
    #7 Do you eat turkey or ham on Christmas? (Wow that was random XD )
    #8 Favorite Christmas tradition?
    #9 Do you ever give each other prank gifts? *looks over at Molly*
    – Katie 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. q&a’s are so fun!
    1. what’s your favorite part of thanksgiving dinner?
    2. what are your top three favorite ways to get ready for christmas?
    3. whats your favorite part of christmas dinner?
    4. do you guys watch any christmas movies? if so, when?
    5. do you have any traditions specifically for christmas eve?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. What is the best present you have ever gotten?
    If you had to get a new AG doll for Christmas which one would it be?
    Have you ever been really surprised by something on Christmas?
    Do you eat a Christmas meal for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or all of them?
    That is all of my questions! Looking forward to the Q&A!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. 1. When do you usually put your tree up?
    2.What’s your favorite holiday tradition?
    3.What’s your favorite Christmas song?
    4. Have you ever peeked at your presents?

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Do you have any weird holiday traditions?
    What is the sad update on Wealthy Hearts? (Plz I wanna know)
    How did you do all the boys in Wealthy Hearts? (I really really wanna know!)

    Liked by 1 person

  12. 1. What goes on top of your tree? A star? An angel? Something else?

    2. Do any of your sisters hate hot chocolate or another Christmassy food/drink?

    3. Do you make a Christmas list?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Oooooh you got #80 doll blog! That doesn’t sound that high at first, but it’s out of all Dolls blogs! You came in barely after delightful world of dolls!!! Congratulations!!


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